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SALDI - seasonal sales in Italy

The 2025 winter sales calendar

Below is the official calendar with the start and end dates of the 2025 winter sales, divided by region, and the provisions adopted regarding promotional sales.
Please remember that any type of product on sale must be offered with the same price in force for the last 30 days. It should also be noted that the Antitrust fines for unfair commercial practices have doubled from 5 to 10 million.
We remind you that - after consultation with local authorities, consumer organizations and trade companies - individual regions are given the possibility of defining the following conditions:
- methods of carrying out the balances;
- advertising for correct consumer information;
- period and duration of liquidation sales and end-of-season sales.

from January 4 (for 60 days)
No prohibition
4 January - 1 March With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 60 days) With ban on promotional sales 15 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 60 days)
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
Emilia Romagna
4 January - 4 March
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
Friuli Venezia Giulia
4 January - 31 March
No prohibition
from January 4 (for 6 weeks)
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
4 January - 17 February (for 45 days)
With ban on promotional sales 40 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 60 days) With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
4 January - 1 March With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 60 days)
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 8 weeks)
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
4 January - 28 February
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 60 days)
With ban on promotional sales 40 days before SALDI
4 January - 15 February
No prohibition
from January 4 (for 60 days)
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
from January 4 (for 60 days) No prohibition
Valle d'Aosta
January 2 - March 31
With ban on promotional sales 15 days before SALDI
4 January - 28 February
With ban on promotional sales 30 days before SALDI
Provincia Autonoma di Trento
for 60 days. Merchants freely determine the periods in which to carry out sales
No prohibition
Distretto di Bolzano, Oltradige e Bassa Atesina
Bolzano, Andriano,
Terlano, Nalles,
Meltina, Laives,
Vadena, Bronzolo,
Ora, Egna, Montagna,
Termeno, Magrè,
Cortaccia, Cortina,
Salorno, Aldino,
Trodena, Anterivo,
S. Genesio, Fiè,
Sarentino, Appiano,
Caldaro, Cornedo,
Nova Ponente,
Nova Levante

January 8 - February 5
No prohibition
Distretto di Bolzano, Oltradige e Bassa Atesina
Tires, Castelrotto,
Renon, Ortisei,
S. Cristina,
Selva Gardena

8 March - 5 April
No prohibition
Distretto di Merano e Burgraviato,
Valle Isarco e Alta Valle Isarco

January 8 - February 5 No prohibition
Distretto Val Pusteria
Brunico, Perca,
Valdaora, Rasun Anterselva,
Valle di Casies,
Braies, Villabassa,
Dobbiaco, San Candido,
San Lorenzo di Sebato,
Falzes, Chienes, Terento,
Gais, Selva dei Molini,
Valle Aurina, Predoi,
Campo Tures, Sesto

January 8 - February 5 No prohibition
Distretto Val Pusteria
San Martino in Badia,
La Valle, Badia, Corvara

8 March - 5 April No prohibition
Distretto Val Venosta
Glorenza, Curon Venosta,
Sluderno, Lasa,
Castelbello-Ciardes, Martello,
Silandro, Laces,
Malles, Tubre,
Prato allo Stelvio, Senales

January 8 - February 5 No prohibition
Distretto Val Venosta
Stelvio, Maso Corto,
Resia, San Valentino alla Muta

8 March - 5 April No prohibition

The Republic of Italy is based on labor

Italian proverb "Chi non lavora non fa l'amore" - "Who does not work, does not make love" (© A. Celentano) reflects this principle. The postulate on labor is proclaimed in Article 1 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic (here the original text)
Why all this?
To the fact that constitutional articles on protection of workers, protecting their families' health, raising children, social security of pensioners and other democratic norms are successfully implemented in Italy. In particular, the struggle against monopolists and adventurers in trade is well organized. In 1998, the Government of Italy adopted the Law, regulating pricing and the season of discounts. According to this Law, in different regions of Italy the duration of winter and summer sales are strictly limited, and their period is determined by local authorities.
- What does this law give to manufacturers?
- Steady demand and the realization of the products.
- What does this law give to sellers?
- Quiet trading during the year and a guaranteed sale of surpluses at the end of the season.
- What does it give to customers?
- Allows you to save!


July-September (sale of spring-summer collections) and January-March (sale of autumn-winter collections)

SALDI - seasonal sales in Italy | iGetaBrand